Thursday, November 21, 2013

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom "George Washington Carver"

     Educaton is th key to unlock the golden door of freedom "George washington Carver". Precisely a golden key to the doors of your disires is what the quote means. Down in you have a disires is what the quote means, in your heart you have a disire , lets say to be the best baker in the world. The way to get there is education in many subjects , such as chemistry. To understand how much water to put in dough you need to undersand chemistry. Now if you want to have a good job the studying hard you can earn a Bachelor's degree and with this people will see you as a talented and hardworking individuals and will be accepted into many jobs across the country. Freedom means that we have no stress to live freely without the worries of bills and other stresses. with money this can removed from your life , you now opened the doors of freedom with the golden key, EDUCATION.
     The first step to getting into a good college is getting a high GPA. The first step is by choosing your classes, take classes that will challenge you. Second is by paying attention to your GPA, you dont need a 4.0 to get into a great, but your cumulative GPA for all four yours of high school s something used as an initial screen for colleges that recieves a Plethora of applications. Third, get good recommendaion letters from your teachers. Fourth choose a focus , figure out what you are interested in . Fill out applications for college, and Prepare for the SAT or ACT.
      The second thing you must do is get a high SAT score. The First in to not panic, just keep cool, just read and understand the question. Get to know the test, The SAT is a standardized test, meaning every test talker takes the same test under the same canditions allowing their scores to be compared fairly. Prepare over time , spending about half an hour every other day over a 4-5 month period is reasonable, organize your study time between math , Vocab and Grammer . Learn from your mistakes, after taking a practice test , you should spend about the same amount of time you spent taking the test on going through your answers. Read the question before you write the answers, dont think to hard into the question . Get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast.
       You must pick a highly ranked college and have an interest in mind that you want to study. We're all seen the list by U.S News & World Report, Petersons, Kipinger, Forbes, and other companies in business of ranking colleges, like Engineering school is a ranking school that has a certain values they tend to represent schools that have strong reputations, lots of resources, high graduations rates, good value, and notable features. That said. no national ranking can tell you which college or university is the best match for you. Your interestd, personality, talents, and career goals making any ranking have limited usefulness.
        Navigating college and high school is difficult but with a little effort you can make the right moves. In High school , you maybe had to work hard, stay up late and study hard to get a high GPA, but didnt actually get a high A high GPA, but its still a good thing because the more work you did , the better college you might go to laer on when your time comes. And the college you try to go to have to study hard, have a high